Spadefoot Returns – 23 Days Adrift

Pacific Cup – What Went Well and What Didn’t


First, the backstory… Ordered emergency rudder from Competition Composites in Canada. It shipped UPS and we redirected it to the UPS warehouse in north Austin because it required a signature and we wouldn’t be home to sign. Rudder arrived at the warehouse Monday morning. Monday evening we spend an hour poking along in rush hour
Yeah, it’s got a Hemi!

The Winter “To Do” List

Safety at Sea – Lessons Learned

Last weekend Chris & I attended a two-day Safety at Sea Seminar hosted by the San Francisco Yacht Club in beautiful Tiburon, CA. The course is accredited by US Sailing and is a requirement for Double-Handed crews entered in Pacific Cup next year (or 30% of the members of a fully-crewed boat). Even though it
Virtual Winds & Weather4D Pro

Pacific Cup 2014 – The Fun Race to Hawaii

There and back again

T-minus one month to blast off!

Side note: If you can read this blog post then we were successful at testing out posting via the XGate email service that we will be using in conjunction with an Iridium 9555 satellite phone. We just passed the one month to go mark for our planned departure from Annapolis. I thought it was interesting