Toto, we’re not in Austin anymore

Road Trip complete… Spadefoot, Oren, and I spent about 30 hours driving from Austin to Richmond Yacht Club. 1727 miles. The trip, spread over 3 days, was uneventful except the 20-30mph headwinds we had across most of New Mexico, Arizona, and California. At times we going 55 mph due to the wind and getting 7.5
Shearwater – 2015 – A Year in Review

Golden Gate fly by!

Florida to Texas – 96 hours of wheel time

After bidding our friends who had come to spend a few days in the Florida Keys with us good-bye, we returned to Shearwater and quickly put her in passage-making mode: dinghy stowed, hatches sealed, safety gear accessible, jacklines and harnesses ready. We left Marathon at 4pm, at high tide since the access channel was on
Cruising in the “tropics” – ehhhh

So close!

With luck, tomorrow will be Shearwater’s return to the good ol’ US of A. She was loaded onto a Sevenstar ship (the M/S Schippersgracht) on May 24th, after a last minute change that required a delivery skipper to move her from Gibraltar to Spain – but everything else seems to have proceeded as expected. We’ll
Porto to Gibraltar – Round 2

Two weeks ago in conjunction with the Easter Holiday, we flew to Porto with plans to sail Shearwater to Gibraltar where she would meet up with a SevenStar yacht transport ship to make her way to Florida. Unfortunately, the weather gods did not get the message that spring had arrived, and a strong south wind
Virtual Winds & Weather4D Pro

Pacific Cup 2014 – The Fun Race to Hawaii

There and back again