Battery conundrums

Hey! Where’s our rudder?

One of the big differences between Earendil and Shearwater is the rudder design. A Valiant 32 has a skeg-hung rudder, while a J/120 has a semi-balanced spade rudder. From a sailing and performance perspective, the semi-balanced spade rudder wins every time. There is less drag due to the smaller surface area (no skeg) and lower
Decisions…bottom paint #1

A boat that sits in saltwater for more than a few days at a time must have anti-fouling bottom paint, otherwise the hull becomes covered in a delightful variety of slime, weed, barnacles, sponges, etc. For a marine biologist, having a marine ecosystem travel along with you could be fantastic, but for a boat where
Welcome aboard!

We’re managing two adventures at once now – with the launch of this blog, we’ll be sharing the planning, outfitting and eventual cruising on our new-to-us J/120 sailboat, Shearwater. We continue to post about living in Europe on our other blog – lifeteria. Thanks for stopping by – please feel free to contribute by sharing your thoughts,