The Final Countdown!

Back in the saddle again…

Tempering the tantrums

I leave for the states on Monday, but we’ve been hard at work in Madrid…trying to micromanage some contractor work on the boat. Neither one of us likes being micromanaged, but we’re trying to wrap our heads around how a project that was anticipated to take 2 hours has now ballooned into a project that
Inspiring thoughts…

T-minus one month to blast off!

Side note: If you can read this blog post then we were successful at testing out posting via the XGate email service that we will be using in conjunction with an Iridium 9555 satellite phone. We just passed the one month to go mark for our planned departure from Annapolis. I thought it was interesting
Stormy Weather

One of the things we get asked constantly by non-sailors and even some sailors is “what about storms?” or more specifically “what about hurricanes?” It hasn’t helped matters that for the first time in recorded history both the Eastern Pacific and the Atlantic had their first named storms of the year before June 1st. While