French tailgating at the Vendée Globe
November 17, 2012

This past weekend was a fun one filled with ample servings of sailing, travel and good food. We flew to France on Ryan Air (round-trip tickets were $77 each!), and then drove from Beauvais (north of Paris) to Les Sable d’Olonne to see the start of the Vendée Globe nonstop, round-the-world sailboat race. We had learned
Lead up to the start of the Vendée Globe
November 8, 2012

The once-every-four-years Vendée Globe will start this weekend, and 20 solo skippers will set off to race around the world, without stopping. It’s an incredible feat to be able to accomplish – both to manage the boats (think running with scissors) and to deal with the exhaustion…for almost 90 days. It is a delicate balance of