Toto, we’re not in Austin anymore
May 24, 2016

Road Trip complete… Spadefoot, Oren, and I spent about 30 hours driving from Austin to Richmond Yacht Club. 1727 miles. The trip, spread over 3 days, was uneventful except the 20-30mph headwinds we had across most of New Mexico, Arizona, and California. At times we going 55 mph due to the wind and getting 7.5
600 miles, and we are still in Austin
May 15, 2016

Over the last 10 days we’ve made 10 trips to Austin Yacht Club. AYC is 30 miles from our house, so that is 600 miles. Oof. That’s a lot of time sitting in the car/truck. The good news is that we absolutely killed it. Boat hauled, emergency rudder installed, bottom stripped, bottom painted, bottom sanded,