Poco a Poco
Coming to America
Retrofit: Project 1.5 complete!
Wind, sun, and dinosaurs
You may have noticed that we have a lot of decisions to make regarding equipment on Shearwater. For every decision, there are usually a number of possible solutions, and each solution comes with a few compromises such that the choice is rarely clear. I take the opportunity when I can to write about the options.
There’s a hole in the boat, dear Liza, dear Liza, a hole!
Contingencies and doomsday scenarios
If we must use the motor…
I dislike motoring a lot. I don’t like the noise, it is boring, and I don’t like the pollution. While there have been numerous boats that have circumnavigated without a motor, to go without now requires the utmost patience, and really you have to not need to be anywhere ALL the time, no exceptions. That
Retrofit: Project #1 complete!
Reading material nowadays
I think that living abroad really does make you think differently about things and expand your horizons a bit, in all aspects of your life. Consider magazine subscriptions… Ten years ago, I don’t think it would have ever occurred to us to consider getting a subscription to a non-US magazine to stay up to speed
Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink
It’s a funny thing being on a boat surrounded by water and having to wonder if we have enough freshwater to get by. Alas, it is a concern, particularly if one plans to spends days away from shoreside facilities like while crossing an ocean, for instance. For our purposes we have some decisions to make